Graffiti Group SA


Since its inception in 1999, Graffiti has grown and diversified into one of the most exciting and innovative branding companies in South Africa. Our offices in Johannesburg (head office), Cape Town and Durban employ salespeople, graphic designers, project managers, printers, finishers and applicators.

All of whom share in the Graffiti vision of unrivalled commitment to quality, innovation, professionalism and customer service. The Graffiti group of companies offers an exciting and compelling mix of branding solutions and media opportunities to suit many brands.

Our Professional tEAM

Richard Wood
Operations Director

Richard Wood is the Operations Director Of Graffiti Designs Pty Ltd, where he has devoted 15 years to the future development and innovation of branding in South Africa.

He has extensive experience in conventional, unusual and innovative branding methodologies.

Tracy Lewis
Sales Director

Tracy Lewis is the Sales Director for Graffiti Design Pty Ltd as well as the newly appointed Director for Lereko Captivate.

She has extensive experience in the sales environment spanning a career of 27 years in customer fulfilment with local and international brands.


To be the preferred supplier of choice of transport branding solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2025.

Finding other opportunities, utilizing our existing core competencies to add additional value to our customers, through research and innovation. Retaining and building stable career paths for Graffiti staff.


To provide our customers with a superior return on investment, through visual branding solutions, based on an understanding of their needs and exceeding their expectations, through first-time delivery.

This is built on industry-leading custom design, manufacturing, installation and support service, to ensure care and growth for Graffiti staff and a sustainable return for our shareholders.